24 In India it's not an age... It's the time a boy need to realise that yes he is getting old nd has to take responsibility.. It's the time wer many of ur female friend are getting married nd at the same time male friends are ready with new life with new jobs or venture.., It's an age wer everyone give you advice about what u can do in your life or you should do something u r best in.., It's an age wer a many of young boys went into depression whereas many are getting brighter close to stars.., It's an age where you have to be tuf and face the world and tell them...Fuck up with your advices..,nd let me do what I can do best..!! Because in India der are many who can tease you or blame u for ur situation..,but no one can hold u and say do this because u want to this..!! #story_of_most_of_guys_like_me #NojotoQuote #dont_know_where_life_is_going #depressed #age@24 š