It started with footsteps in the hallway. We went out to investigate but found no one. The next day we found our son sleeping on the kitchen table. From that day it was a norm, there would be footsteps and we'd find our son all over the house. After hearing a crash one night, we found him at the bottom of the stairs, seriously hurt but sound asleep. The doctor said that he was sleepwalking. I installed security cameras all over the house to monitor his sleepwalking, and for a few days, there were no incidents. Then one night there were the footsteps again. We checked the feed but couldn't see our son. I went out into the hallway to look for the source of the sound. Only then I realized that I should have installed the cameras facing upwards. Young boys shouldn't be walking on the ceiling. They might fall and get hurt. #son #sleepwalk #camera #surveillance #sound #possessed #unseen #upsidedown