One must always be prepared to live and face the next moment in Life. Death embraces everyone and it is a fact that we all are going to die someday. So live your dreams and spend your moments in such a way so that when you look back at your life during your last days, you thank yourself for leading such a wonderful life... You must not leave this world as a symbol of voidness... Death and Life. They are two relative words. You will not fear something that you know will possibly occur and thus we must be prepared to face Death. _____________________ We often put down risky, challenging, or adventurous opportunities just because we think that one of their consequences might be death. However, this is not the fact. Death often gives you the courage to utilize your next moment in a way that will add life to your days. Live your life to the fullest. ______________________ I would like to remind all of you how the book - 'The Book Thief' is narrated in the perspective of Death.