I made a machine that can teleport you to a world where everything is opposite. There: • Criminals make laws. • Banks rob people. • The government tricks people. • Police kill the innocent. • Rape victims are assumed to be at fault. But wait, why am I even telling you this? You already live in that world. Don't you? Don't you already live in that world? If you're reading this then here's what happened. A few days back, I guess, a picture surfaced on social media about 'someone' from Pakistan standing on an Indian flag. Some Indian started spreading it with captions like, “Make this VIRAL such that it reaches Modi. Pakistan should be punished for what they did.” etc. Now, I do respect their thoughts and their love for their motherland, but I've something to say against this. Let's take an extreme example, don't roast me. Say, some people raped a girl, made a video, and put it on the internet. Now, will you post that video everywhere saying, “that girl should get justice, those people(?) should be punished...”? Probably not.