Misshapen Glass Vases by Studio E.O Appear to Melt Atop Angular Stone Platforms Indefinite Vases is a recent project by multidisciplinary design practice Studio E.O based in Stockholm. Working with handblown glass and cut stone, traditional vase forms are melted and cooled around sharp edges to create place-specific vessels. From their project statement:The project is an exploration of the relationship between geometric and organic forms – transparent and opaque. Indefinite melting material interacts with definite angular forms and gravity determines the relationship in between. Indefinite Vases are sculptures or containers. Functional or decorative. The contrast between the cut stone and the form of the hand blown glass emphasizes the relation between space and object, an interplay between a fragile material and its solid counterpart. At the time of production a limited number of vases were made available through Galerie kreo, and you can see many more photos on Studio E.O’s website.