Humans are yet to prove how dumb they can be. (Read the caption to know how ) And trust me, the time is not too far either. We, humans, are the special species to be ever alive. From being brilliant to cruel. We have set our foot almost everywhere. But when the topic is of "Relationships", humans become the dumbest species to ever live. Though the relationship may carry it's own hurdles, which has to be faced, eventually he gives up. Sometimes for a while, and sometimes for his entire life. But the thing which we all fail to understand is that, we humans become dumb just because of one thing, which he always carries with pride. And that's nothing but EGO. Small as it seems, causes the biggest difficulties. Ego isn't good neither to his health nor to his relationship. Eventually at least learn to LET GO OF THE EGO, BUT NOT THE RELATIONSHIP WHICH ALWAYS STAYED.