in the open skies, i fly under the dark skies, i sleep in the open nature, i live. in-between the dark clouds of unfound truths, still in the open skies, i fly. in the stormy nights, with sleepless open eyes, under the dark skies, i sleep. between the wolfy humans, in the miniature huge hands of mother, in the open nature, i live. ••Open For All•• 🔸 To the Participants of our 1 month writing Challenge - "Worddiction!" 🔸 You must write a Cascade poem. __________________________________________ The cascade poem was a form invented by Udit Bhatia. For the cascade poem, a poet takes each line from the first stanza of a poem and makes those the final lines of each stanza afterward. Beyond that, there are no additional rules for rhyming, meter, etc.