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Knowledge gets Shrouded by Desire. #Bhagwad #Deept

#Bhagwad #DeeptiDua#Author#sewa #nojotahindi *Knowledge gets Shrouded by Desire*

*When Desire and Hatred arise,they shut off or conceal our wisdom*

*Let try to track the desires that we Harbour*
Is this *Saatvik ,Raajasic or Taamasic* ?

Deepti Dua

New Creator

#Bhagwad #DeeptiDua#author#Sewa #nojotahindi *Knowledge gets Shrouded by Desire* *When Desire and Hatred arise,they shut off or conceal our wisdom* *Let try to track the desires that we Harbour* Is this *Saatvik ,Raajasic or Taamasic* ? #Mythology #krishna_flute