#DearZindagi People are running behind result, it shows that's they are spoiled adult. talent are count as chillar, which took my whole life to be a strong pillar. Life lessons are just words, Experiencing it is like standing on a sword. Entrance exam were like wars, It seems me like traffic of cars. College Life are only meant to be happy, Reality is filled with snappy. Scoreboards will not matter the most , I know life will make the ahead worst. Failing will become the expectations, Because winning will come with slow acceleration. The day when having job will beautify me, Like many apples on a tree. The wish will become load someday, Money will be boon for my doorway. Being diplomatic will be my way, Yes my dear I'm a character of a roleplay. Luxury, income and house will certify me, Because the reality is flee. Life will make all of us puppets, With problem and trouble full of buckets. You are only yours until u start to study, After that life makes u perfect moody. Life hacks are just saying, People losses everything only paying. Sacrifices will be all time work, You will become completely jerk. Goals and aims are good till your maturity, Life will bankrupt you will all its dignity. #DearZindagi #well_palyed_dear_life #wirting_challenge #poem_by_me #daniya